It’s that time of year again!

As we approach the end of 2013, it is normal for people to reflect on the year they’ve had. It is a time to take stock, promise to be a better person, clear out the junk and start again. Of course, the reality is much different and by January 10th we are back to how things were the year before.

It doesn’t really matter though, because taking stock is definitely something we should be doing anyway. Probably more often, but hey ho!

This has been yet another crazy year for me. My health has been on a roller-coaster ride (my mental health has too for that matter), I have lost people, found people, learned more about myself, and I have worked through some of my smaller issues and become a better person for it. My neighbours have gone completely loopy too!

Despite all the issues and problems I have had this year, and I have had more than my fair share, I have been humbled and inspired by the way I have seen others battle through things I can’t even imagine! As an example, a friend I knew back at school has recently found out her husband has terminal cancer. They got married shortly after his diagnosis, and is thought to have weeks rather than months left. They have two small children (2 and 4 months) as well. Seeing her grace and strength has been an inspiration to the whole world… even Sharon Osbourne herself has donated to the cause! If you wish to donate, details are below. More than that, after a friend died a few weeks ago, I went to possibly the best funeral I have ever been too, teaching me that in the saddest of times laughter can still be found.

My Grandma has also been a bit up and down with her health, something that frightens me greatly because I would be so lost without her!  Me and my mum worked through some issues and have been so much closer for it, another blessing. My sister got engaged to the love of her life in the most beautiful way imaginable, and we now have a wedding to look forward to next year!

And I have also started this blog, which has been more successful than I ever thought possible!

Every year, every single person on this planet has high points and low points. Sometimes more of one than the other. And every year, every single person on this planet becomes a stronger person for the trials they have faced and overcome. It doesn’t matter if we feel broken, if we are trampled on or dealt the WORST hands, we survive.

When you reflect on the year you have had, and the goals you want to set yourself for next year, don’t just dwell on the negatives, it is poisonous and will eat you up. Instead, remember the positives, the times you laughed  so hard you worry you haven’t done enough pelvic floor exercises, the times you triumphed, the times you got back up after a fall, the successes you have had and the friends and family that have carried you through. Remember no matter what bad things life throws at you, you are strong enough to cope, to survive, and eventually to see the good in it.

If you have children, take a moment to really see them, rather than simply looking. See how much they have grown, how funny they are, how much they look up to you, their milestone developments (this year I have been collecting several teeth, they all seem to be wobbly now and the adult ones are coming through fast!) and see how quickly they are developing mentally and emotionally. It only seems like yesterday I had a two-year-old lass who always had a tummy ache when she was upset because she didn’t know how to vocalise it properly. Now, I have a stroppy, happy, funny, clever, gorgeous six-year-old who happens to be very good at telling us all exactly what she thinks! They grow so fast these days!

I  hope everyone reading this is able to find positives in the year just past, had a happy holidays, and is ready to start the New Year as they mean to go on (for all of 10 days, at least).

And just on the very small off-chance your year hasn’t had very many happy memories at all, here is a little something to make everything better. Enjoy!


If you want to read Cola & Felix’s story, please click here, or here, or here, or simply search ‘Cola and Felix Glenny’.

If you wish to donate, please visit here.

If you are feeling super generous, I also have a friend whose 5 month old daughter is suffering from a rare form of cancer on her brain. She needs radiotherapy but is far too young at the moment, so is having chemo every two weeks. We are trying to raise money to cover expenses not paid for by the NHS,  including transport so she can see her other daughter too. If you want to read Amelia’s story, or wish to donate, please click here. It is another heart breaking story, and another show of strength and grace, and proof of the lengths parents will go to to help their children.

If that has depressed you a little, go back and look at the cute animals! It helps me, anyway!

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